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The No Limits 1st Birthday Party @ The Mass

Reported by Steve Milton / Submitted 25-08-04 21:36

I wasn’t actually going to go out clubbing the weekend of No Limits. Lacking in the funds department and with the onset of further grey hair likely a night in with the wife and a bottle wine beckoned. But when a certain chap gave me a bit of encouragement and then a couple of other friends showed interest it proved to be all the excuse I needed for another night on the tiles. I’m shockingly easy to coerce into something like this Roll eyes (sarcastic) . With the wife securely ensconced at home with a girl friend and some trashy DVD’s it was tallyho for a lad’s night at the No Limits first birthday party.

There were already a few likely looking faces in the Prince of Wales preparing for the nights attractions with a few drinks and after a couple of pints of wife beater we made our way to the venue. It seemed strange for me to back in Brixton again, and not going to the Fridge. I hadn’t been to the Mass for at least a couple of years so was keen to see if things had changed. There was the usual banter on the door and a very thorough frisking from one of the . . . well, I would say doorman but that would be sexist as this was a door woman. The “oh I say, who’s getting fresh then” comment seemed to fall on deaf ears but had that been a male doing the searching and a female punter then there certainly would have been grounds for complaint. But I’m not the complaining type (really I’m not) so it was onward and upward.

As we were fairly early it was still pretty empty inside but that was fine as I re-familiarised myself with the venue layout. It hadn’t changed much over the years but one thing I was glad to see was a fairly efficient air conditioning system. Shaun Rowland was starting things off in the Trance room and making a pretty good job of it too. The sound system seemed to be OK with no obvious flaws, although I always preferred to judge that when the room is a little more full. By now there were more and more people starting to turn up and plenty of faces I’d seen before. Next up was someone I was very keen to check out, having heard good things about his productions from various sources and this was to be his first ever-live PA – Seventh Heaven.

My clubbing teeth were cut on trance and although more recently I’ve been into the harder side of things there’s still a soft spot in my heart for a tune that can lift you up and take you to another place. Unfortunately I had felt in the past that the quality of production in this genre lacked somewhat. I was fed up with hearing lightweight and fluffy trance with no substance or drive so with this in the back of my mind I readied myself. Fluffy? No way. Lightweight? I don’t think so. Substance? Oh yes sireeee. It’s a very rare thing indeed to see me impressed with someone or something new in club land, I’m just too god-dam long in the tooth to get carried away, but I have to say what I heard for the next hour was very impressive indeed. Now I’ve never tried to make a track but I know a little of what goes into it and my ears were being treated to something that had been done with thought and insight. Really graceful tracks with direction and purpose. It really was a shame there wasn’t more people in the room to pick up the atmosphere. Seventh Heaven was obviously nervous and it showed but then again who wouldn’t be. With a bit of encouragement he started to enjoy himself a little more and the response was easy to see. His remix of “Banging Globe” was spot on and as is usually the case in these situations the time flew by. With a bit more stage presence, a smiling face and crowd interaction this lad will go far. K90 watch out, there’s a new kid on the block.

By now the main room was filling nicely and the atmosphere friendly. It makes a difference when an event has a pleasant aura and I’m sure anyone there would agree with me. Perhaps it’s the venue’s layout that adds to this, I’m not really sure but it makes finding friends easy and going for a chat and a sit down a pleasure. Having said that I probably did a little too much socialising rather than doing what I should have been doing. If you got collard into listening to my inane waffle then I’m sorry for the persecution your ears must have suffered. Anyway, on with the show. Riley and Durrant were evening things up a bit people wise by putting in a top performance while Lucy Fur banged it out in the main room. By the time I’d finished chatting Tara Reynolds had taken to the decks and was giving it what for in her own inimitable style. I have to confess I have a bit of a soft spot for Tara. She always delivers and will never complain when asked to stop for a quick chat or a photo by reviewers and punters alike. It’s always a pleasure when dealing with people like this.

Andy Whitby followed and with his usual mix of interesting bootlegs, classics and new upfront tunes. I managed to hear the Jon Doe remix of K90’s Red Snapper (one of my favourite tunes) only to rush to the dance floor just in time for it to finish. God dam my infernal babbling. Whilst his set couldn’t be described as groundbreaking you can see why he’s doing so well. I also had a wander down the to hardcore room but left pretty quickly after discovering I was in-fact correct in my assumption that it wasn’t for me. But it seemed to be going off reasonable well. My aging bones were starting to complain by now so with a bit of stomping behind me I caught up with some friends in the now much busier Trance room. Greg Downey was just finishing up and whilst there was still plenty of room everything seemed OK.

What happened next was not exactly top notch as the partygoers voted with their feet and the room emptied. Some mixing which can only be described as shocking whilst the difference in levels between tracks was enough to make you put your fingers in your ears. It surprised me to see a performance like this at an event, which has so much credibility. But lets not dwell on such matters and move on.

The last couple of hours were spent generally mooching around and catching up with more friends that I don’t get to see that often, living out of London as I do. In general I have to say things went pretty well. Yes the numbers were down on what you would expect but when you consider the competition from other big promotions going on around the capitol that night then things are put firmly into perspective. To be totally honest with you it was kind of refreshing to be able to find a seat without fighting your way through a crush and as I mentioned earlier everyone seemed to be really good natured and having fun, which in my eyes is what clubbing is really all about. Where No Limits goes from here is anyone’s guess. I’d like to see them carry on and develop the potential that they obviously have. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Thanks to all concerned for another good night out, you know who you are Waves and also thanks to those I've stolen photo's from Thumbs up
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Other Features By Steve Milton:
The Final Zoo
The Death of Clubland?
Trousers, Caps and Trance Anthems - It's Dave Pearce!
Boom Box, Bulldog Breaks and V1 - It's Time to Reload with DJ-X(lab4)
Clubbers Guide to Photography: Part Two
The views and opinions expressed in this review are strictly those of the author only for which HarderFaster will not be held responsible or liable.

From: KeepItTidy on 27th Aug 2004 00:17.35
Top Review!
Cheers to all who came down for another top No Limits and helped us celebrate 1 year Happy Birthday! (well 14 months and 1 day to be accurate) on the scene!
Keep your eyes peeled for some VERY special No Limits events coming up soon.
No Limits - We do what we want and we do it with pride! Smile

From: Paul on 27th Aug 2004 00:54.16
Good review Claps Hands

From: London_bird on 27th Aug 2004 01:09.10
Not bad considering you was worried that you'd even remember where you was that night!!!

Another good review somehow! Messy

From: ~deleted3566 on 27th Aug 2004 02:23.15
thanks for your comments nomi ! Angel

From: mizz_cutiepie18 on 27th Aug 2004 11:16.49
good review and u have to be the funniest bloke ive met clubbing!!

From: Prozak on 27th Aug 2004 11:41.14
nice 1

From: Whatever!! on 30th Aug 2004 13:59.57
Good review of another top quality No Limits party!! Thumbs up

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